About Counter Drone Technology

Counter Drone measures (also referred to as Counter UAV or Counter UAS) are countermeasures to stop rogue or unwanted drones in their tracks. These measures can be split into three broad categories of actions to mitigate a drone threat:

  • Drone Detection i.e. the use of acoustic, optical or other sensors to detect an incoming drone threat, track its heading and (if possible) identify its origin and aims.
  • Non-Interactive Responses i.e. the activation of defense mechanisms which do not in any way interact with the rogue drone. These are measures like evacuation, pulling down blinds, turning of Wi-Fi, and other means of circumventing an intrusive device.
  • Drone Interdiction i.e. the deployment of either a kinetic or non-kinetic counter-drone interdiction system to directly mitigate the drone threat.
Counter Drone Report 2020 Mock Up

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How We Help Understand Counter Drone Market

On Demand Market Research and Consulting

Do you need to learn more about the counter-drone industry? We’re here to help! In addition to our reports, we offer tailor made solutions to support your strategic decision-making, business model generation and operational improvement. As such, we can help you find out more about the industry through:

  • Workshops on the uses of counter-drone technology;
  • Consultations on how to adopt counter-drone systems to optimise your organisation’s security;
  • Competitive analyses of your product to determine how you rate against others in given threat scenarios;
  • Market research to determine a market entry strategy for your product to enter the counter-drone market [or in some cases a better-suited market];

and much more! Check out our service portfolio below.

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